This is the first one I bought to make a pillow for our family room. The colors just match perfectly, so I had to do something with it. I just folded it in half with right sides together, stitched up the three sides, leaving a little opening for turning right side out and stuffing, then handstitched that opening closed. It turned out so cute and easy, I had to go get you will see...

Another very cute towel! This one will be a tote bag...well, they both will. lol!

Just wanted to show you the hot pads that come with this group. *note to self-do not take smart kids who know what you can do to Target with you!* The kids (and by "the kids" I mean Ethan and Claire) noticed that they have openings at the bottom and "...all you have to do Mom, is put the stuffing in there and sew it up!" The penguin does not have an opening. But, it's so cute I couldn't just leave it there and buy it's friends...all I have to do is just get my very broken in seam ripper and open it up a little, stuff it up, sew it up, and, VOILA! Instant Holiday Softies!

This little bathroom hand towel was too cute to pass up! I was looking at it, and Claire said it was so soft, she wanted me to make her a pillow with I did. Now, of course, if I make something for one kid, I have to make 3, so here is a picture of the whole towel, and Claire's finished pillow.

I finished the back of Claire's pillow with light blue fleece. Each kid will have a different color back, so there is no fighting!

These are great because you really only have to fold them in half and sew. But, of course, you can also trim them to a certain size. I did find, though, that if you just rip out the stitching that is there first, it makes the corners a lot nicer and MUCH less bulky!
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