I'll go with 'birth order', which is neutral, logical and doesn't show favorites. And in that case, here is Allison, in the grey pea coat that she wanted for Christmas. I've been waiting for years for the 'Preppy Look' to come back, and it seems as though it finally might be. The best part about it is that she seems to like it so, ssshhhhhh! We won't tell her how cute she looks!

This one is of Allison and Ethan. This is a great one because: 1) They are not fighting, and are actually peacefully playing together and getting along! A Christmas miracle in itself!; and 2) It really shows their red hair.

A picture of Ethan alone, with one of the best Christmas gifts in the history of Christmas Gifts for Ethan...a book about using dollar bills for origami! Can you see the concentration? He was like this for about 3 hours. Really.

And Claire...with the Hippity Hop that cemented her belief in Santa Claus for at least one more year!

And about the cutest thing I have ever seen...something I have been wanting, ahem, I mean CLAIRE has been wanting for months: This little, purple Pixie sewing machine by Singer! I, I mean CLAIRE, loves it!

Finally, a small and inexpensive sewing machine for kids that really does work! It is easy to thread (just follow the arrows and numbers), the bobbin is great all the way around and it sews like a charm! The only problem we have had is when Claire forgets to keep the top thread secured under the 'foot'. Just like any other sewing machine, if it's not in it's proper place, it does come unthreaded when you start sewing. However, it only took her a few times to have this happen before she remembered to check and make sure the thread was placed properly, and we haven't had a problem since. It sews really well, and goes slow enough that I'm not a nervous wreck about her fingers getting caught under the needle. So far she has made a pillow with it that came out better looking than my own pillows! And it is only my fault that she hasn't done more...I still want to be able to supervise completely and just haven't had the time. However, she could probably do just fine on her own. I'm really proud of her! Oh, and if you are wondering...they have them at Wal-Mart for about $50. (You know Wal-Mart prices...$48.97 or $49.38...something like that.) Two thumbs up from me, and I am VERY picky when it comes to bobbins!
Now for the knitting: this is the infamous long, skinny, pink scarf that I knitted. I know it's not much and you can see lots of mistakes, but for me it is an awesome accomplishment! lol! I finally finished something that resembles what it was supposed to be and is functional (sorta) as well. Well, maybe not as functional as it is cute.

I started working on a wider scarf, but I think I cast on too many stitches. I can barely keep them all squeezed on while I knit, and I'm working so hard to keep the yarn on the needles the stitches I am knitting are not very even. However, it will work for me because I have other plans for it. It is wool yarn so, I could felt it, which is something I've been wanting to do for a long time. Or, I may use it in a fiber art piece...I've got it all planned out already, but I need some little pieces of "fancy" fabrics that I don't have...like silks and velvets. I'm wondering if it would be a good time to hit Joann's for their little remnants. All of the tiny leftovers from the Holidays.
I have really great things I got in the mail that I want to share, but I will save that for my next post. Take care, everyone!
Oooooh! I love the hair!
Can't wait to see what you (ahem. Claire!) crank out with the new sewing machine.
And great work on the scarf!
Today she is talking about making a hat like Despereaux wears in the book, "The Tale of Despereaux". Yikes!
What super cute kiddos! Oh, and if Ethan would like send me any of his origami "art", I'm taking donations. ;-)
Listen, you're on, we will definitely have to get together soon. E-mail me your contact info and we'll set something up! :-)
I bet she is exciting about her own sewing machine. My oldest got a small one two years ago and LOVES it. And finally keeps her hand of mine. Now her sister wants one, too.
Hmmm...why can't I delete weird comments in another language I cannot understand? I hope it doesn't say anything rude...or worse!
And I GOTTA take a picture of the pillow Claire made!
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